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Weight Loss Calculator For Women - Best Tool to Lose Weight

A weight loss calculator for women may be the most effective way to manage diet and exercise. The dominate theory in weight loss circles is that counting calories is the best way to achieve the goal. It is a simple theory - less calories going in than those being used. To do this effectively, you need to understand what calories are and how to use a weight loss calculator.
A calorie is a unit of measure of energy expenditure. What is labeled as a calorie on the foods we buy or as the units of energy we burn when we exercise is actually a kilocalorie or 1000 calories as used in science labs to measure chemical reactions. Each food we eat is assigned a caloric value, that is to say, a specific amount of energy that needs to be used to consume that food. Likewise, physical activity, all physical activity, is also assigned caloric values. These values tell us how long we have to exercise to expend enough energy to burn that number of calories. A weight loss calculator for women can be helpful in keeping track of both the input and the output.
Women by nature retain more body fat than men. This characteristic is due to the fact that women bear children and then nurse them, often for extended periods of time. Fat stores in the body help maintain both mother and child. After the childbearing and nursing years, many women find they still have excess weight to shed and that is when a weight loss calculator for women can be most useful.
A single pound of fat stores 3500 calories. To lose that pound, a woman must create a caloric deficit of 3500 calories. She must eat 3500 less calories than she uses throughout a week or increase exercise by 3500 calories a week or some combination of both. A good weight loss calculator for women allows her to input the foods and the amounts she eats each day. Often it has preset values for the calories of most foods. Some calculators let the user enter the information directly. It also allows her to enter the type of exercise she does and the length of time she performed the exercise, assigning the appropriate caloric expenditure.
By using a weight loss calculator for women such as this, it is easy to monitor food consumption. It is also easy to tell when the level of exercise being done needs to be increased to account for too many calories being consumed on a particular day. A free calorie count tool that does all of this and more, can be found on the Internet.
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3 Reasons Why Calorie Counting Is Bad

Calorie counting is a method people use to control their eating and lose weight. It's a logical method as weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out. It stands to reason that by counting your calories, you will gain control over how much you eat and be able to create the calorie deficit needed for weight loss.
However, calorie counting isn't as easy or effective as some might think. In this article I want to share with you 3 reasons why I believe that calorie counting is bad.
You Will Likely Underestimate Your Calories
According to a nutrition expert I recently spoke with, most people tend to underestimate the number of calories that they eat, often by as much as 15%. They may think that they know how many calories they consume but they're usually wrong. The mistake is often not in their favor as they may believe they're creating a calorie deficit when in fact they're not.
This is one of the reasons calorie counting doesn't work: people get it wrong.
It's hard and tedious
have you ever tried counting your calories? It can be pretty hard work. You need to know how much calories there are in any food item that you buy. Unless you eat the entire pack, you have to weigh each and every dish. You need to take into account every spice or condiment that you use. It can quickly get tedious and I doubt that most people can really do it for any long stretch of time.
When you go out to eat, it can become even harder. Not every restaurant lists the number of calories in each dish so you can quickly lose control over how many calories you're eating.
This is the second reason why calorie counting doesn't work.
Labels are not always accurate
According to John Barban, a nutrition expert I interviewed, the labels on products we buy are not always accurate. They really present an average of sorts. There are differences between each specific product. So, one bag of chips may contain more calories than another.
While these differences may not be big, they can still make the entire count inaccurate. This isn't something that most people are aware of and it is yet another reason why calorie counting is not a good method for weight loss.
You do need to be aware of the general amount of calories that you eat. However, you do not need to count them dilligently to lose weight. Just eat sensibly and workout hard and you will lose weight.

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Calorie Intake for Weight Loss

You have to calculate your calorie intake very good for weight loss.
In a pound of stored fat are approximately 3500 calories. So if you exercise or follow a diet, or by combining both, you will lose one pound of body fat if you are creating a 3500 calories deficit. If you create an approximately 7000 calories deficit you will lose two pounds and the trick goes on, with 10500 calories deficit you will lose three pounds. (On average 75% of this is fat, 25% lean tissue).
The calorie deficit can be achieved either by calorie-restriction alone, or by dieting or exercising, a combination of fewer calories in (diet) and more calories out (exercise). If you want to sustain your weight loss that is almost impossible without exercising and increasing regular exercise, you must follow a diet and by combining these two will result a program that is best for lasting weight loss.
An alternative way of calculating a safe minimum calorie-intake level is by reference to your body weight or current body weight. Reducing calories by 15-20% below your daily calorie maintenance needs is a useful start. You may increase this depending on your weight loss goals.
Everyone is different and has a different lifestyle and because of this everyone will have a different daily calorie intake requirement.
What happens when calories are too low?
Reducing your calorie intake drastically with 1000 or more calories is not safe. The useful and healthy guideline for lowering your calorie intake if you want to burn the fat is to reduce your calories by at least 500. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends the levels for a minimum calorie intake per day for a man, that is 1800, and for a woman 1200. The calorie level never drops below these numbers that are quite low. For people with only a small amount of weight to lose, 1000 calories will be too much of a deficit.
1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories - this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.
If you want to lose weight, set a target calorie intake below your total daily expenditure.
If your progress is slowing down, add or subtract a bigger number of calories to your calorie intake. For most people, a calorie plan of plus or minus 300 to 1000 calories per day will do the job. Every week weigh yourself and recalculate your total daily energy expenditure.
If you are a female, never eat less than 1200 calories per day. If you are a male, never eat less than 1800-2000 calories per day.

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Calorie Counting - Good Or Bad?

Most of us have had a friend drive us crazy with their calorie counting at some stage of our lives. Maybe you were the one obsessing about how many calories you were putting into your mouth and onto your hips. It is getting a bit obsessive when you fret over every calorie. So, is calorie counting a good way to diet?
Like everything else in life, a calorie is neither good nor bad. It is the value we assign to it that makes it appear good or bad. If you lived in the Arctic you would think of calories as good because you need to keep warm and a calorie is the measurement we use to work out how much energy we need to keep warm.
Dieters do tend to think of calories as bad because they are a reminder of past overindulgence. They hate to admit their favourite foods are full of calories and are torn between the urge to overindulge in their favourites and the urge to be healthy.
Calorie counting can be a good thing. In order to eat a healthy well-balanced diet we need to be aware of portion control and of the value of the food we eat. A calorie is a good place to start. We determine how many calories we require to maintain our weight and our health and then we plan a diet around that figure. If we want to lose weight, we consume a bit less than our maintenance level of calories. If we need to put on weight, we consume slightly more than our maintenance level.
To have a healthy diet we also need to be aware of the nutritional value of our food. If we consume our daily limit of calories in chocolate, it will be far less healthy than if we choose the same calorific value in salads.
Counting calories is not the only way to monitor and maintain a healthy diet. It is a good guide to help us with portion control and it can help in the selection of a variety of foods. You should count calories and learn the calorific value of the foods you regularly eat. It will give you an idea of how much you need to eat and help you not overeat.
Combine counting calories with your knowledge of nutrition and a sensible exercise routine and you will have no trouble maintaining your ideal weight.

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